Girls’ Brigade
The Girls’ Brigade (GB) was founded in 1893, in Dublin, Ireland. The twin pillars of the GB are Bible Class and Physical Training, and the main aim is the extension of Christ’s kingdom among girls. The GB Aim, Vision and Mission guide our adult officers in delivering a well-balanced programme, for ensuring the all-round development of our girls.
The 1st Singapore Company was founded in 1927 in Methodist Girls’ School by Mrs Elsie Lyne and the 7th Company was started at PSPC in 1950 by Mrs Lily Chiam.
The Objective of the GB
To develop each Girl and Officer to her fullest potential by Equipping, Empowering and Enabling every Girl to be a leader and every Officer to be a servant leader.
Our Location
We are conveniently located in the city, with easy access to public transport.
Prinsep Street
Presbyterian Church
77 Prinsep Street
Singapore 188649