Tenebrae Reflections 2025

FRI,18 APR 2025 (THU,17 APR: Full-dress Rehearsal)
9 Mar 2025, Date of Posting

Two of the most momentous events that took place in Jesus' time on earth are His death and resurrection. His death underscores the price of sin that He bore for mankind, and His resurrection is the promise of a hope for eternal redemption.

Tenebrae has historically been an event observed by churches through the ages to mark the death of Christ. It is a time for sombre reflection in darkness, to feel the weight of mankind's sin and the dreadful price for our salvation.

Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church is observing Tenebrae again this April with a choral presentation and art exhibition that leads participants on a journey through the last days of Christ, culminating in His death on the Cross.

You are invited to come take this sensory pilgrimage with us.

Lamentations at the Cross will be observed on FRI, 18 APR.
As seats are limited, priority will be given to those bringing visitor(s).
There is also a Full-dress Rehearsal on THU, 17 APR.
Registration is required.

Doors to the art exhibition will open at 7pm, and the choral presentation will commence at 8pm on both days.

Limited seats are available. Not suitable for children under 12 years of age. Free admission; you can register here.

For a more in-depth understanding of the art pieces, there will also be a Meet the Art Exhibition Artists Session on FRI, 18 APR (3:30pm - 5pm); no registration is required.

So come sit with us at the foot of the cross this April

as we lament...

over the sacrificial Lamb, and

over our fallenness.

Our Location

We are conveniently located in the city, with easy access to public transport.


Prinsep Street
Presbyterian Church

77 Prinsep Street
Singapore 188649

Office hours
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm